Yesterday, I drafted the first flash fiction piece I'm thinking of submitting. In that first story, I tried to capture the casino culture in the neighborhood where I grew up that often preys on retirees. I hope to write a few of these short pieces and choose the best one to submit to each venue. I have a goal of submitting three by April.
I did read the story to my husband last night, and he said, "I want more." I tried to explain that flash fiction was a flash, like the difference between a Polaroid and a TV show. Then he asked, "Is there going to be a sequel?" Sigh. Besides generating micro fiction, I am also working on a short 500 word article on writing. The focus is going to be three great pieces of writing advice, since the article is so short. If it gets published, I will post the link to the magazine, but you will have to subscribe. I also got thoughtful feedback from my beta reader on the last story of my collection Not Your Abuelita's Folktales. When I write, I don't really think about the length. He told me my stories were novelettes. He also confirmed that the desire for the main characters wasn't clear, which I suspected. I think I am making her goal too complicated. She needs to figure out what to do with her boyfriend. That's it. Isn't what what young people struggle with sometimes? Nothing else is coming to the surface like the other stories, and since this conflict starts the story, why not make her goal related to it? I also thought about cutting that story out and working on it longer, but it's almost done. Whatever you do or how busy you are today, keep grappling with your writing and making new discoveries. Kick writing ass today! #barrioblues
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Jesú Estrada