Have a seat, y quitate las chanclas.
Welcome to my author site where you can read my writing musings.
Enjoy some poetry.
Or read the first chapter of The Harvested, which I hope to have accepted for publication in the near future.
You can also order my books on Amazon.
My free promotional short novelette, A Not So Magical Day, is available for download on Smashwords and iBooks.
Finally, become familiar with my non-profit, charity press: Barrio Blues Press!
Welcome to my author site where you can read my writing musings.
Enjoy some poetry.
Or read the first chapter of The Harvested, which I hope to have accepted for publication in the near future.
You can also order my books on Amazon.
My free promotional short novelette, A Not So Magical Day, is available for download on Smashwords and iBooks.
Finally, become familiar with my non-profit, charity press: Barrio Blues Press!