You ever read your novel or chapbook, and you're like, "Woooo," flying high because your work sings. Then, you hit a patch, and are like, "What the mother-fuck? How did I let this slide by?" I had a few of those moments, yesterday, when I was reading the draft of The Harvest my novel draft on my phone. I was really checking to see what the experience was like reading the novel from the phone as some of my friends and unknowns are doing. (Plus, it's on my bucket list to write a novel on my phone.) But, then I caught these patches of errors and plot contradictions, which I am obviously not going to address until I finish and start Frankensteining the shit out of it. Still, the plot, whether an up or down draft, is moving along nicely. I had Ashley reach the rebel camp, and I tried to add some sexual tension between her and Strike. Of course, I am going to play that up in later chapters and make it a point of conflict with Alan. Of course. But, like I said in my previous post, the contact with the rebels and Alan is going to be brief and sporadic until they can be together again. Today, I made that section shorter than I meant to, and added an element I hadn't even planned on. You know how characters run away from you? Well, the characters ran away. And that is all I have got. In real life, I am going on another road trip with my family, and I have already warned them that I am going to read my work to them along the way. My actual writing goal is to fully revise "The Long Walk", which I hope to launch next week. I am going to couple it with the "Paranoia," after all. That is if Eric Allen Yankee, comes over to my house for some delicious mole and horchata and shows me the Amazon ropes again. Captivate your audience today, but not with ropes. #Resist!
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Jesú Estrada