You know what I'm talking about. Even if you produce garbage, and you don't know it, you get that amazing high from doing what you love. I'm still feeling it, even though I stopped writing around 9a.m. I am also happy my new writing schedule is working out well. Today, I was pecking away at this story for my little sister. It wasn't quite the premise she wanted, but her story is still brewing somewhere in the deep seat of my subconscious. It's cooking. So here are a few more pages: "La Bruja del Barrio Loco". I have to remember talk into the phone or type them quickly because I get these random great ideas, and then forget to write them. The little notebook never really worked for me, but sending myself little voice notes helps. This weekend I also went on Amazon to support folks who are publishing digitally, and I bought two kindle works, one a 100 word anthology ($2.99) and a smutty short story ($2.99). The latter was written by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. I was surprised both works went for $2.99 and wondered how they came to setting the price. I am going above and beyond the call and review their works and link the reviews to my blog. Not surprising, there were no reviews to the smut short story. Guess folks don't want to admit they read that genre. Believe in good karma and keep writing!
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Jesú Estrada