I'm still in my writing cave, for a few hours. The writing process has been slow because I needed to rest. I suspect, I'm a little weary from getting up at 3a.m. or earlier to write, ahem. Anyway, I did sleep in and take a nap, yesterday, but I am 1/3 of the way through my goal of writing 100 more pages of my novel, The Harvest.
I know I am rushing the pacing now, and I had Ashley connect with Alan's parents. I won't spoil what happens, but it's the direction the novel is taking now. That is why revising is so important. Yeah, the clean-up, when you have that massive hangover. Anyway, I'm off to get writing-drunk. In real life, the kids are going to the pool. Then, we will go to our favorite restaurant Indian in Champaign, IL. Enjoying Life=Writing (and Peace) Oh, and on a random note, there are still many of my friends who are not aware that I published two books on Amazon. I guess a personal message won't hurt. You can buy my books here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dr.+maria+j.+estrada&sprefix=Dr.+Maria+J.+%2Caps%2C176&crid=3U31QUCOI9N1H. Half of the profits for a year will go towards a strike fund. Also, students can have the *.pdf for free, upon request. Enjoy life, but hide in the writing cave to finish. #Resist!
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Jesú Estrada