Some stories wipe you out, when you are done, or they are done with you. "La Bruja del Barrio Loco", number 2 in "La Bruja del Barrio Loco" series kicked my ass. It is now 106 pages long, and I must say, I am quite happy with the finished story, aching bones, missing blood, and all. Here is the description if that titillates you to download it once it is published (yes, it will be on Kindle Unlimited. my friend Eric Allen Yankee has talked me into this process of uploading all my books.):
When Elisa Sandoval, encounters a real witch in a curandera shop, meant to help people, and she slights the old woman over a seemingly trivial matter, her life becomes an unimaginable hell. La Bruja, that vile witch, torments her for weeks, stalking Elisa and exhibiting impossible magic. As a graduate student of Women’s History, Elisa is incapable of admitting that she is seeing magic unfold before her eyes. Then, the vicious witch commits a series of gruesome crimes against Elisa and those she loves most, her son, Alex who is 2, and her boyfriend, Gregory Holden. Now, arrested and incarcerated for a murder she did not commit, Elisa must figure out how fight La Bruja, to save her life and the life of her unbaptized son. But not all is lost, as she finds allies along the way who know La Bruja and will make any sacrifice to defeat evil. But will that victory come at too high a price? Or will Elisa lose herself in an ancient war in which she is unwilling to fight? Well, this writer has to rest now. Ironically, the next story is itching to emerge, but my novel, The Harvest, needs more attention. Tomorrow, I will be writing in the morning and grading after that. Then, in the afternoon, I am finally getting an author head shot. Think happy thoughts my way, so the weather is good, and the light captures my features well. Knit you mental bones and blood back together, so you can write better tomorrow. #Resist
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Jesú Estrada