![]() I think this one is the best amateur cover I can produce. My friend Sonia likes this option best because it is colorful, and she is an avid Kindle reader. I also toned down the bit at the top, where I quote my friend Laura Garcia, writer and editor of Teatro Chicana: A Collective Memoir and Selected Plays. (I recommend this read, and if you teach literature or ethnic studies or plain ol' English, your students will love it.) I also found out from my Auntie in Mexico that "del" is the contraction for "de el". I taught myself how to read and write Spanish, so these grammar nuances are fascinating to me. I am hoping she will take a look at my Spanish, and doesn't get scandalized by the more violent/vulgar scenes in this story. There is like one sex scene that reads like bad married sex. Oh wait, there are two, but they are not meant to be erotic, which I know sounds quite counter-intuitive and took mad skills not to make sexy. Trust me, it was not on purpose. This morning, I am adding more detail to "La Bruja del Barrio Loco"; you can read the second revision in Antonjitos. I want to add more negative descriptions of what something is not. Plus, the magical realism sections are calling to me today, and there is something about bees I want to enhance, but I am not quite sure what. I have fond memories of bees, and La Bruja has misappropriated nature for her own ends, that vile bitch. In real time, I have a couple of appointments, one with my editor this Friday, one with my sociologist friend and colleague on the phone. I also am going to hit the library to do some genuine research on European witchcraft. I hope the local librarians don't freak out. Watch weird shit start happening in the barrio. Also, I am posting poetry on a regular. I got a little bit dedicated to Roque Dalton. If you haven't read his work, I highly recommend it. Enhance what is calling out to you this morning. #Resist
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Jesú Estrada