I woke myself up at some ungodly hour, but was too tired to write. Anyway, I put in some time this morning, after 5:45.m., even though I'm dragging now. Yes, I'm going to go back to bed for a bit. I have two meetings later this morning, but I am genuinely punked out, and wish I could stay home. I know, big waaaah. Doing what you love and have a regular job that rules. Wah wah wah! Enough tangent. For you readers, here is the rolling draft of The Harvest. It is really a down draft today, folks. Alas, poor Alan is going to be pushed out of his comfort zone and into an unexpected journey, while Ashley is going to be stuck in the Education Center, until she gets fed up with the system. How long will that take? It will depend on her breaking point. Stay tuned. Also, my friend is supposed to Kindle my book today, so send prayers of support his way. I can't wait to pick his brain about what software he used. I suspect Calibre, the software I downloaded, is just fine if you don't have minor formatting glitches. More to come later. Get up and get going. Writing is calling. #Resist
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Jesú Estrada