This morning, I finished another chapter in The Harvest. It was a bit rushed, and I am already rethinking how I will revise large portions of the novel. The pacing was fast, probably in my eagerness to get done, but the chapter still captures the spirit of what I had in mind originally. This morning, I am having my husband print some small double-sided markers. We'll see how the final version looks. I have a few places in mind I want to drop them off. Mostly, I think I'm going to carry them around, in case I run into fans of speculative fiction or avid Kindle readers. Also, his morning, I am pimping a few books and author sites from "friends" on writing groups. Even though romance is not my genre, I have been reviewing more romances by other self-published writers. This one is on my list. The print is a bit overpriced, I think, but the Kindle version is $2.99 on Amazon. ASIN: B07C638QM2 Carmen Baca has another book out Las Mujeres Misteriosas that is bound to be a success. This is her first self-published book, but look at that gorgeous cover! It is available on Lulu for $8.99. Finally, check out this cowboy's books: John F. Green's books. He has some interesting speculative fiction I want to add to my Goodreads list. That is all the pimping for today! Write, write, write and maybe, pimp books for a friend. #Resist
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Jesú Estrada