![]() ADRIAN, IT IS SO WONDERFUL TO HAVE YOU! Hello, and thank you. Now I KNOW YOU ARE A POET AND LOVER OF NATURE. TELL US MORE ABOUT YOURSELF. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Well, I live in Romania. My family members were actually Saxon colonists who left their country in search of a new home, having settled in Transylvania. Our family has always been blessed with strong and capable women to lead the way, starting with my great-grandmother. From her, I have learnt to love and protect the natural environment. I am very proud of my heritage. WHEN DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE A POET? WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST POEM ABOUT? Writing is a gift, I personally believe. I first discovered it when I decided to write a poem about my mother. I really do not think it is my best work, but she still keeps the yellowed piece of paper I tore from a school notebook to write it down. I LOVED THE GRAPHICS IN YOUR CHAPBOOK, POEMS. DID YOU DRAW SOME OF THOSE? WHICH ONE WAS YOUR FAVORITE TO PUT TOGETHER? They were either drawn or made by my mother. She happens to be an amazingly talented artist. Umm… My favourite piece would have to be the horse that is fighting not to be roped. It is the same with us humans, is it not? Everyone just wants to be free and enjoy life, yet we must constantly fight for our freedom and independence. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POETRY GENRE? I adore narratively driven poems. Most consider that poetry is a bit abstract and difficult to comprehend, so I always try to tell a story through my verses. Hopefully, more will come to appreciate the rhythmic beauty that is Poetry. WHAT GENRE(S) WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE IN? I would very much like to be effective in the Art of Writing, irrespective of genre. That way, I can write anything I want. YOUR POEMS ARE AN INTERESTING MIX OF POEMS WITH MORALS, PERHAPS FOR CHILDREN, TO LOVE POEMS. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE IN THE COLLECTION? I love all of them, of course. If I had to choose, it would have to be, “What Is Writing?” The multifaceted answer is the reason why I continue to do this. WHAT THREE KERNELS OF ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE A NEW WRITER? A SEASONED WRITER? I am also in the process of learning what works and what does not. If anything, I could also use some advice. Ultimately, I think one simply has to sit down and write. This is what we writers do. YOU HAVE GREAT ENCOURAGING ADVICE IN SOME OF MY FAVORITE PIECES. WHICH POEM IN YOUR COLLECTION DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST UPLIFTING? It definitely has to be, “Try Again.” Failure is the mother of success, after all. The key is to brush off the dust and get back in the saddle. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE AUTHOR, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE? WHY? Mark Twain. He was such an incredibly wise person. I often quote him. Also, his stories are still emulated today, and we do not even realise it. HAS THAT AUTHOR BEEN A LITERARY INFLUENCE? IF NOT, WHICH AUTHORS HAVE BEEN? Of course. Jules Verne too. Everything that we take for granted today, he predicted in his novels. PLEASE, TELL US ABOUT YOUR UPCOMING WRITING PROJECTS, WHAT SHOULD MY READERS LOOK OUT FOR? I am currently working on a new collection of poems. Also, I wish to publish not just verse, but prose too. I adore short stories and fables, so it will be something similar. ONE LAST FANTASY QUESTION: DO YOU THINK WRITING CAN TRANSFORM THE WORLD? IF SO, HOW? “In the beginning was the Word…” That was how everything began, with words. Not only can they create an entire world, but they can also break it. As such, we should use them with love and care when we interact with others, both online and offline. WHERE CAN READERS FIND YOU ONLINE OR ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Facebook: facebook.com/imaginativewritings Twitter: @AdrianM_twits Wattpad: @AdrianMoralesWriter ADRIAN, THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME FOR US. I LOOK FORWARD TO INTERVIEWING YOU IN THE FUTURE. My pleasure. Take care. A Book Review of Poems
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