A Road Trip with Dad and My Novel Characters. Have You Taken Your Characters Out, Recently?16/6/2018 Yes, I am taking the characters of my novel The Harvest out on a weekend trip. It is Father's Day Weekend, but any time in a hotel writing and revising, while the kids are swimming, is gold. You may think spending a weekend with your characters or at least having a long cocktail with them is excessive, but when you have been spending years with them, and you need to get to know them better, there's nothing like a weekend road trip. Maybe, I'll just validate what I already knew about them, and that is fine.
Have you taken your characters out on a date recently? They probably miss you or could surprise you! On the author front, you may have noticed I added a new section to my page: Books. I am posting links to the forums where my book are going on sale like Smashwords and Amazon. (This morning I got invited to post to a new forum. I will have to check it out.) Let me tell you what a learning curve that was, a joyful one. For now, I am running a promo through my Facebook author page or comments below. The first five people to buy my short will get a signed copy of The Long Walk. You can email me details. I also am selling the Kindle version for a dollar if you buy the print version. I mean come on? What else can you get for such a great deal these days that is so awesome? Well, I am off to pack. Oh, I should pack for my characters too! It's a metaphor. I don't have any guns or "shit suits", environmental protection suits from my novel. That would just be weird. Take your characters out and immerse yourself in them. Buy my book. #Resist
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Jesú Estrada